The Elements of Drawing, John Ruskin’s teaching collection at Oxford

The Elements of Drawing, John Ruskin’s teaching collection at Oxford

Ruskin's Educational series, 2nd ed. (1874)

Ruskin's revised catalogue of 300 works for the instruction of undergraduates and his notes on the use of particular examples.

Educational 2 cover

Catalogue of the Educational Series / 2. Greek design (Nos. 26–50) Elementary Illustrations of Greek design

    • Stuart, James - The East End of the Parthenon 26. The East End of the Parthenon, eighty years ago. ( Stuart’s Athens). E
    • Revett, Nicholas - Details of the Parthenon 27. Details of the Parthenon. ( Stuart’s Athens). E
    • Burgess, Arthur - Profile of Curve of the Capitals of the Parthenon, full size 28. Curve of the Capitals of the Parthenon, full size. A
    • Stuart, James - The Erechtheion 29. The Erechtheium, eighty years ago. ( Stuart’s Athens). E
    • Revett, Nicholas - Plan of the Erechtheion 30. Plan of Erechtheium. E
    • Revett, Nicholas - Elevation of the north Facade of the Erechtheion 31. Portico of Erechtheium. E
    • 32. Northern side of Erechtheium, with Portico of the Pandroseium. E
    • Revett, Nicholas - Measured Engraving of an Ionic Capital from the Erechtheion 33. Ionic Capital of Erechtheium. E
    • Revett, Nicholas - Measured Engraving of an Ionic Capital from the Pandroseion 34. Ionic Capital of Pandroseium. E
    • Constantin, Dimitrios - Photograph of the Caryatid Porch of the Erechtheion 35. Present state of Erechtheium. P
    • Ruskin, John - Rough Sketch of the Caryatid from the Erechtheion now in the British Museum 36. Rough sketch of the sixth Cora of the Pandroseium, now in the British Museum. M
    • Ruskin, John - Study of a Laurel Leaf from a Greek Coin 37. Early Greek Treatment of Foliage. (Coin of Syracuse). M
    • Burgess, Arthur - Study of late Greek Treatment of Foliage, from a Coin of Syracuse 38. Late Greek Treatment of Foliage. (Coin of Syracuse).A
    • 39. Apollo and Artemis. Greek vase-painting. (Le Normand). E
    • 40. Athena, Heracles, and Iolaus. (Panofka). E
    • 41. Demeter, Cora, and Triptolemus. (Le Normand). E
    • 42. Selene. (Le Normand). E
    • Rey, A. - Print of the Decoration on a Greek Amphora, showing Hephaestus, Hera, Poseidon, Apollo, Zeus, Athena, Eileithyia, Heracles and Ares 43. Zeus and the Great Gods. (Le Normand). E
    • Rey, A. - Print of the Decoration on a Greek Hydria, showing Dionysus, Hermes, Hera, Zeus, Hestia and Ariadne 44. Zeus and Hera with Dionysus and Hermes. (Le Normand). E
    • Bineteau, P. - Print of the Decoration on a Greek Amphora, showing Poseidon accompanied by Dolphins 45. Poseidon, as the foam of sea wave. (Le Normand). E
    • Petit, L. - Print of the Decoration on a Greek Amphora, showing Triptolemus and Hermes 46. Hermes and Triptolemus. (Le Normand).
    • Rey, A. - Print of the Decoration on a Greek Hydria, showing Hermes, Athena, Heracles and Zeus fighting against Giants 47. Hermes, Athena, and Heracles, fighting against giants. (Le Normand).
    • Rey, A. - Print of the Decoration on a Greek Amphora, showing Aphrodite driving Poseidon in a Chariot 48. Aphrodite driving Poseidon. (Le Normand).
    • Burgess, Arthur - Drawing of a Chariot Race from a Greek Vase 49. Chariot Race. Drawing from archaic Vase.A
    • Rey, A. - Print of the Decoration on a Greek Amphora, showing Apollo and a Man 50. Poetry. (Orpheus or Amphion) with Old Age listening. (Le Normand). E

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