Catalogue of the Rudimentary series / 1. Heraldry / 2nd Section R|14 to R|25
R|14} Drawing of armour, standards, and documents, at Farnley Hall. Turner.
R|15—R|21} Various coats-of-arms out of
the Insignia Sacræ Cæsareæ Majestatis, Principum, Electorum, ac aliquot illustrissimarum familiarum, published at Francfort in 1629
Seeinstructions on next page.
R|22} Study of the marble inlaying on the front of
Casa Loredan,
(1845). M.
R|23} Tomb on the west front of San Fermo, Verona. P.
R|24} The tomb of the best knight of Italy. P.
R|25} View taken of the tomb of the best knight of Italy by the modern English enlightened mind, educated in legitimate contempt of the dark ages. S. Prout.