The Elements of Drawing, John Ruskin’s teaching collection at Oxford

The Elements of Drawing, John Ruskin’s teaching collection at Oxford

Ruskin's Educational series, 1st ed. (1871)

Ruskin's first catalogue of 300 works for the instruction of undergraduates and his notes on the use of particular examples.

Educational 1 cover

Catalogue of the Educational Series / 12. Rocks, water, clouds Lettered Numbers 7 and 8 — Rocks, Water, and Clouds

    • Ruskin, John - Study of a Piece of rolled Gneiss 7 Study, in lampblack, of a piece of rolled gneiss.M
    • Ruskin, John - Study in Colour of Quartz Rock Weathered 7 A Study in colour of quartz rock weathered.M
    • Landseer, John - Engraving of Turner's "Cascade at Terni" 7 B The Falls of Terni. (Turner). E
    • 7 C Fall of the Reichenbach. From drawing by Turner, at Farnley. P
    • 7 D Upper Fall of the Reichenbach . From drawing by Turner, at Farnley. P
    • Ruskin, John - Study of a Piece of Brick, to show Cleavage in Burnt Clay 7 E Study of a piece of brick, to show cleavage in burnt clay. M
    • 7 F Mossdale Fall . Cleavage of Yorkshire limestone. (Turner). E
    • Smith, W.R. - Engraving of Turner's "Chain Bridge over the River Tees" 7 G Upper Fall of Tees , with Chain Bridge. (Turner). E
    • 7 H The Old Road over St. Gothard. Study of granite. (Turner) at Farnley. P
    • Caldesi & Co. - Photograph of Turner's "Glacier and Source of the Arveron, going up to the Mer de Glace" 7 I Source of the Arveron. Study of rolled granite. (Turner) at Farnley. P
    • unidentified - The two Mythens above Schwytz 7 J The Two Mythens above Schwytz. Old Swiss drawing.
    • Ruskin, John - Study in Neutral Tint of Turner's "The Pass of Faido" 7 K Study in neutral tint. From Turner’s drawing of St. Gothard . M
    • 7 L Dazio Grande, St. Gothard . Sketch in water colour on thin paper; one of those made by Turner, for his own pleasure, as he travelled.
    • 8 Abbey in Yorkshire; Evening. (Turner). E
    • Ruskin, John - Tracing of Turner's "Heysham and Cumberland Mountains" 8 A Pen drawing, traced on Turner’s Heysham. M
    • Lupton, Thomas Goff, and Joseph Mallord William Turner - Touched proof Mezzotint of Turner's "Stangate Creek, on the River Medway" 8 B The Medway . Touched proof. (Turner’s writing below). E
    • Turner, Joseph Mallord William - Sketch of Clouds and Hills at Inverary 8 C Sketch of clouds and hills at Inverary. (Turner).
    • Turner, Joseph Mallord William - Pæstum (Plate from the "Little Liber Studiorum") 8 D Study of storm-cloud. Engraved by Turner himself, experimentally. E
    • Turner, Joseph Mallord William - Cloud and Sunlight at Sea 8 E Cloud and sunlight at Sea. Rapid sketch in colour by Turner.
    • 8 F Moonlight off the Needles. From sepia sketch by Turner. P
    • 8 G Evening at Annecy. Pencil study on the spot. M
    • Ruskin, John - Autumnal Cloud filling the Valley of Geneva, the Jura rising out of it, seen from the Brezon above Bonneville 8 H Autumnal cloud filling the valley of Geneva, the Jura rising out of it; seen from the Brezon above Bonneville. M
    • 8 I

      • Ruskin, John - Afternoon in Spring, with south Wind, at Neuchâtel Afternoon in spring, with south wind, at Neuchatel;
      • Ruskin, John - Morning in Spring, with north-east Wind, at Vevey and morning in spring, with north-east wind, at Vevay.
    • Ruskin, John - Evening in Autumn under the Castle of Habsburg 8 J Evening in autumn under the Castle of Hapsburg. M
    • Turner, Joseph Mallord William - Evening: Cloud on Mount Rigi, seen from Zug 8 K Evening; Cloud on Mont Righi , seen from Zug. Sketch, by Turner, for his own pleasure.

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