The Elements of Drawing, John Ruskin’s teaching collection at Oxford

The Elements of Drawing, John Ruskin’s teaching collection at Oxford

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Photograph of the Loggia del Consiglio, Verona A. Perini


    • Western Art Print Room

Position in Ruskin’s Collection

Ruskin's Catalogues

  • Ruskin's Rudimentary series, 3rd ed. (1872)

    R|102} Senate House, Verona, by Fra Giocondo, showing the forms of buildings which were associated with the painting of Cima, Bellini, Carpaccio, Mantegna, and Luini. Exquisite of its kind. P.
  • Ruskin's Rudimentary series 4th ed. (1872)

    R|102} Senate House, Verona, by Fra Giocondo, showing the forms of buildings which were associated with the painting of Cima, Bellini, Carpaccio, Mantegna, and Luini. Exquisite of its kind. P.
  • Ruskin's Rudimentary series, 5th ed. (1873)

    R|102} Senate House, Verona, by Fra Giocondo, showing the forms of buildings which were associated with the painting of Cima, Bellini, Carpaccio, Mantegna, and Luini. Exquisite of its kind. P.
  • Ruskin's revision to the Rudimentary series (1878)

    remains 102.

    I oppose instantly to the mass of the Coliseumthe most perfect work I know of the delicatest architecture derived from it, combining the most exquisite materials in marble and metal with elaborate fresco-painting. This building of Fra Giocondo cannot be surpassed in fineness of proportion or in delicate application of local colour. A portion of the facade drawn by M.r. Bunney is placed among our working drawings, but, though finished with extreme care, gives only a feeble idea of the beauty of its colour, which by my request was only represented as it is, that is to say, in a much faded condition. The original tone of it may be sufficiently imagined from the next example.

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