The Elements of Drawing, John Ruskin’s teaching collection at Oxford

The Elements of Drawing, John Ruskin’s teaching collection at Oxford

Browse: 1470 objects

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Recto: The Arms of the Elector-Archbishop of Cologne. Verso: Concord Jost Amman

  • Details

    Jost Amman (1539 - 1591) (block cutter)
    Object type
    Material and technique
    woodcut and letterpress on laid paper
    recto 121 x 105 mm (block); verso 126 x 107 (block); 198 x 153 mm (sheet)
    a heading followed by two columns above the image, and another two columns below the image: Coloniensis Episcopi Electoris insignia. || Si pietas, si vera fides, si gloria Christi | Sub cruce sis fortis, cor speq[ue] fideq[ue] soruscet, || Est cordi, & patriæ si tibi cura tuæ. | Hostibus esto metus, ciuibus esto pater. || Hac tendis virtute, velut Iouis ales, ad astra, | Acer equus, cor, crux, aquila, insignesq[ue] leones, || Victriciq[ue] leuæ pulchra trophæa manu. | Hoc sacri in clypeo præsulis ecce monent.
    bottom left, in graphite: 2

    a heading followed by two columns above the image, and another two columns below the image: CONCORDIA. || Concordi iunctæ studio ventura timentes | Feruet opus, liquido distendunt nectar cellas, || Damna, hyemis condunt munera mellis apes. | Vna nimt augetur sedulitate domus. || Ipsarum innumeros Respublica durat in annos, | Cunctarum firma est columen concordia rerum, || Inq[ue] dies gratas lætior auget opes. | Est status hic fœlix, hæc vbi læta viget.
    bottom right, in graphite: Ref 19
    bottom left, the Ruskin School's stamp

    Presented by John Ruskin to the Ruskin Drawing School (University of Oxford), 1875; transferred from the Ruskin Drawing School to the Ashmolean Museum, c.1949.

    No. of items
    Accession no.
  • Subject terms allocated by curators:


  • References in which this object is cited include:


    Ruskin, John, The Ruskin Art Collection at Oxford: Catalogue of the Rudimentary Series, in the Arrangement of 1873, ed. Robert Hewison (London: Lion and Unicorn Press, 1984), cat. Rudimentary no. 15-021, RUD.021

    Ruskin, John, Instructions in Practice of Elementary Drawing, Arranged with Reference to the First Series of Examples in the Drawings Schools of the University of Oxford (n.p., [1872]), cat. Rudimentary no. 15-021

    Ruskin, John, Instructions in the Preliminary Exercises Arranged for the Lower Drawing-School (London: Smith, Elder, 1872), cat. Rudimentary no. 15-021

    Ruskin, John, Instructions in the Preliminary Exercise Arranged For the Lower Drawing-School (London: Spottiswoode, 1873), cat. Rudimentary no. 15-021

    Ruskin, John, ‘Rudimentary Series 1878’, 1878, Oxford, Oxford University Archives, cat. Rudimentary no. 15-021

    Ruskin, John, ‘The Ruskin Art Collection at Oxford: Catalogues, Notes and Instructions’, Edward T. Cook and Alexander Wedderburn, eds, The Works of John Ruskin: Library Edition, 39 (London: George Allen, 1903-1912), 21, cat. Rudimentary no. 15-021


    • Western Art Print Room

Position in Ruskin’s Collection

Ruskin's Catalogues

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