The Elements of Drawing, John Ruskin’s teaching collection at Oxford

The Elements of Drawing, John Ruskin’s teaching collection at Oxford

Search Results: 41 objects

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Searching for multiple terms

  • AND search: If you enter more than one search term in the search box, your search will retrieve results that contain all those terms. For example, enter ‘greta rokeby', to find all object records containing both ‘greta' and ‘rokeby'.
  • OR search: If you want to search for either one term or another, enter your search terms separated by ‘or'. For example, enter ‘kingfisher or eagle' to find all object records containing either kingfisher or eagle.

Partial word search

  • Enter your term followed by an asterisk (*). For example, entering ‘Ital*' would return results for all records containing words beginning with ‘Ital', such as 'Italy' or ‘Italian'.

Searching is always case insensitive

  • For example, searching for ‘Italy' is the same as searching for ‘italy'.

Searching for a specific word or phrase

  • Enter your term within double quotation marks (""). For example, to search for the term 'Flora Danica', enter "Flora Danica".

Ruskin Cabinet Series What is this?

  • This visual browsing tool displays your results as they were organised in Ruskin’s cabinet series:
  • John Ruskin built up a collection of artworks for his drawing classes. He divided the works into four main series: Standard, Reference, Educational and Rudimentary.
  • Each item was placed in a numbered frame, and the frames were arranged in cabinets, so that they all had a specific position in the collection – although Ruskin moved items about as his ideas changed. For more details, see Ruskin’s Catalogues.
Cabinets help
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other (not catalogued by Ruskin)

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