The Elements of Drawing, John Ruskin’s teaching collection at Oxford

The Elements of Drawing, John Ruskin’s teaching collection at Oxford

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Drawing of Perugino's fresco of "The Adoration of the Shepherds" Charles Fairfax Murray

  • Curator’s description:


    Cook and Wedderburn listed a series of works presented by Ruskin 'on the Walls of the School, or standing on cabinets, etc.' (XXI.300). These were unnumbered, and have been given arbitrary accession numbers, based on their position in Cook and Wedderburn's list, for the purposes of the current catalogue.

  • Details

    Charles Fairfax Murray (1849 - 1919)
    after Perugino (c. 1450 - 1523)
    Object type
    Material and technique
    watercolour over graphite on paper
    460 x 705 mm (sight size)

    Presumably presented by John Ruskin to the Ruskin Drawing School (University of Oxford); first recorded in the Ruskin Drawing School in 1906; transferred from the Ruskin Drawing School to the Ashmolean Museum c.1949

    No. of items
    Accession no.
  • Subject terms allocated by curators:


  • References in which this object is cited include:


    Ruskin, John, ‘The Ruskin Art Collection at Oxford: Catalogues, Notes and Instructions’, Edward T. Cook and Alexander Wedderburn, eds, The Works of John Ruskin: Library Edition, 39 (London: George Allen, 1903-1912), 21, cat. Wall


    • currently in research collection

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