The Elements of Drawing, John Ruskin’s teaching collection at Oxford

The Elements of Drawing, John Ruskin’s teaching collection at Oxford

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Engraving of the Vault of the Staircase Hall in the Palazzo Altieri, in the Via dei Delfini, Rome Johann Gotfried Gutensohn


    • Western Art Print Room

Position in Ruskin’s Collection

Ruskin's Catalogues

  • Ruskin's Rudimentary series, 3rd ed. (1872)

    R|115–R|119} Examples of Decoration, designed by Raphael, Giulio Romano, and their scholars. The arts devoted entirely to the pleasure of the eye, and caprice of fancy: perfect in skill by the practice of ages; but now entirely destructive of morality, intellectual power, and national character. E.
  • Ruskin's Rudimentary series 4th ed. (1872)

    R|115 – R|119} Examples of Decoration, designed by Raphael, Giulio Romano, and their scholars. The arts devoted entirely to the pleasure of the eye, and caprice of fancy: perfect in skill by the practice of ages; but now entirely destructive of morality, intellectual power, and national character. E.
  • Ruskin's Rudimentary series, 5th ed. (1873)

    R|115 – R|119} Examples of Decoration, designed by Raphael, Giulio Romano, and their scholars. The arts devoted entirely to the pleasure of the eye, and caprice of fancy: perfect in skill by the practice of ages; but now entirely destructive of morality, intellectual power, and national character. E.

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